Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The Grande Extra Hot Green Tea Latte with Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup

I decided to order this drink on a whim. I am a huge fan of green tea, but I was a little bit hesitant to get the latte version. I was worried it would be too sweet and ruin the taste of green tea for me... I have never been so happy to be wrong! This drink is delicious and not only does it actually taste like green tea, but it is also weirdly refreshing. This is a perfect drink for those people who don't really enjoy the taste of coffee, but still want a warm, calming drink on a cold day. It is smooth and creamy, with just enough sweeteners to make it taste good, without being too much. I was initially alarmed by the colour. At first, the bright green caught me off guard, but nonetheless, once the lid is on, you don't even remember that your dink is the same colour as Kermit the Frog. It's not just the colour that's unique about this drink, it's also the fact that not many people have actually heard of a green tea latte. But yes, they do really exist! I feel like hipsters everywhere would enjoy this beverage, I mean, it practically screams "look at me, I'm different!" which is what hipsters are all about, right? I don't know about you, but if I was I hipster, I would be all over this drink. All this being said, I have never hated a drink more in my life. Minutes after I ordered it and sat down at one of the few tables available to start the hours of homework I needed to get done and then I spilled this stupid thing all over my Social Studies and Chemistry notes. You know that old excuse "my dog ate my homework," well I was almost tempted to use that because there was no way I was going to say "I dumped my extra-hot green tea latte with sugar-free vanilla syrup all over my homework" to my teachers. I had to spend an extra hour re-copying my notes just because my other ones were stained green. I know I shouldn't blame an inanimate drink for this, but I refuse to accept the fact that I was the problem, so I will continue to hate this drink for as long as I live. The silver-lining to all of this is that one of the sweetest baristas ever felt so bad for me that she purchased me a new drink, free of charge. This was by far one of the nicest things a stranger has ever done for me. If I don't take into consideration the spill, then I would give this drink an 8.5/10. It is defiantly one of my new favourites from Starbucks... Even if it did cost me my homework.

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