If you've ever eaten cardboard, then you know exactly what this drink tastes like. Ew. Seriously, whoever invented soy milk should be fired from their job. Not only does the Soy Chai Tea Latte with a pump of hazelnut syrup taste like a cardboard box, but the hazelnut syrup gave it this weird after-taste. It was like a combination of dirt and wood. Now, i'm not someone who enjoys the outdoors, so I did not appreciate the "woodiness" of the hazelnut syrup. I assume that hipsters around the world are rejoicing, knowing that Starbucks offers a Soy version of their favorite Latte. Just think, somewhere in the world someone wearing a beanie and cargo pants is enjoying the disgusting taste of this horrible drink. I hope that one day the hipsters of the world will actually grow some taste buds and realize that soy anything is gross and should be banned from the planet Earth. But, I guess everyone just has different preferences and what might be nasty and "cardboard-y" to me, could be a holy grail drink for some hipster. I personally hated this drink, but I'm sure they're people out there that love soy drink. If I disregarded my personalopinions, then this drink would get a good 7/10, but since i'm bias and judgmental towards soy beans, I give this drink a -3 stars out of 10.
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